måndag 1 februari 2016

PART 1 - The magical tables that ain't so easy to know about in the beginning

When I started to wander into the land of ServiceNow I had a hard time trying to do the easiest thing.

For example:
I had a Service Manager coming to me and asking a simple demand like: I want a list over all my groups that I mange and its members. It sounded like a easy thing but all I knew was that I could go the the "groups" list and then I hit the wall trying to figure out how to filter/config layout to give me the result I wanted.

And after searching quite some time since I didn't believe I was the only one with this problem I found the solution. There are a few tables that combines other tables by default. You just need to know them.

torsdag 28 januari 2016

Hitting 1000+ views

I just want to say thanks for everyone visiting this blog. When I started for barely a month ago I didn't think I would have over 1000+ views in one month. This is what makes it worth the time =)

Keep coming back and I'll keep putting up stuff that I hope will help you in your ServiceNow Life.
And keep suggestion things to bring up. :)

Take care,


måndag 25 januari 2016

Request Clone... What do I get for my 10 cents?

After we went live and pretty much did our first clone we started to wonder if there wasn't anything else to configure about this cloning business.

Now after have been cloning a bit more and even a lot more when trying to see if the new configuration for cloning is working which is a pretty good work speed since your clone isn't closer than 4 hours away =)

måndag 18 januari 2016

Setting default user preferences

Sometimes you want to change the default value on a user preferences from what ServiceNow have set. This is how you do it.

måndag 11 januari 2016

fredag 8 januari 2016

Syntax editor macros... a tiny thing that makes the developer life a lot easier

This is one of the little things that I learned about when I went to the ServiceNow scripting course. And if I hadn't gone the course, I can promise you I would never have known about it.

måndag 4 januari 2016

Part 1: AngularJS, JSON & public UI Pages. How do I get it all together?

A thing that has been a pain in my back for quite some time now is how to publish something public and still make it fetch records from ServiceNow.

And before I begin I would like to send a special thanks to Rushit Patel on the ServiceNow community. Without the help from him, I wouldn't have gotten this far. Hopefully this blog will help others doing some amazing stuff with AngularJS and ServiceNow.