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Visar inlägg med etikett CMS. Visa alla inlägg

måndag 22 februari 2016

Having knowledge public with Version 3

As some of you may have noticed, upgrading to knowledge version 3 made a big impact by making it impossible to have the a knowledge base "real" public. What I mean with real public is that user can use the knowledge base without having to log in first. This was possible in version 2, but right now in version 3, the user need to be logged in, even if the user doesn't have any roles.

This was a critical problem for us since we had a deadline to migrate our current knowledge base into Servicenow. Here is the solution.

måndag 15 februari 2016

Part 3 - Giving the service status a nicer look.

On the last part I build the page without giving to much into how the whole thing looked. Now I had some time to look into this and also taken some help from colleagues with more eye for design than I will ever have. I also thrown in some HTML-fields and client script to automate the function of Valid to. This is how I did it.

måndag 11 januari 2016

måndag 4 januari 2016

Part 1: AngularJS, JSON & public UI Pages. How do I get it all together?

A thing that has been a pain in my back for quite some time now is how to publish something public and still make it fetch records from ServiceNow.

And before I begin I would like to send a special thanks to Rushit Patel on the ServiceNow community. Without the help from him, I wouldn't have gotten this far. Hopefully this blog will help others doing some amazing stuff with AngularJS and ServiceNow.