onsdag 30 mars 2016

Hidden substitute for Split layout in UI16 and more

Upgraded to Geneva and scratched your head and wondering where did split layout go? Or perhaps grumble over that they switched position on Work notes & Additional comments? Well, here is a story for you =)
Now, I'm not going to keep you on your toes Any longer. I would like to say thanks to Michael Loranc at the community for showing this. Love the helpfulness the community has,.

So lets go to it.

I can't say that I was a big fan of the split layout. I didn't use it a lot myself but a noticeable amount of our users are using it. Now, we have upgraded to Geneva on our Dev & Test instance and having a user group to dig in and see what they can find always gives result. And one thing is that split layout is MIA.

So what you can do for those who still want it? This is something that hopefully helps.

Go to the list view with a few records.
ServiceNow List view ui16

While you moving your mouse over the "i"-icon you press and hold down "shift". And here is where the magic is happening. When doing this you get a popup window that is fully editable for the record that you were hovering over!

I know I will use this, probably more than I used split layout in UI15 =)

Now... It's time for the annoying change of Work notes & Additional comments. I won't go into the fact that you can't minimize the activity log...

First of all this is standard Out Of The Box UI16...

If you hit the "create new incident", the order of those two fields looks like this:

All look fine and just like it did in Fuji. But then you save the incident and TADA! Let's change the order if the fields...

Remember that you need to press the button to get two fields and not havethe "check" for work notes at the bottom.

Here you think that hey, I can change the layout like I normally do with "Configure->Form layout". Well, the only thing that changes is the order on the fields when you are at step 1 (create new). After you saved, it doesn't care about how you set that up, then these fields are BFF with the activity field.

But there is a way, and it's very logic...

Beside the activity log you have a "filter" button. Pressing it will open a menu and at the bottom you have "Configure available fields".

Now you get to a window where you can select what you want to show up in the activity log. What does this have to do with the two fields... No clue, but if you move up additional comments above work notes and press save, guess what happens...

They changed place...

I hope this helped you as much as it helped me =)


16 kommentarer:

  1. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing. Such simple solutions, yet not at all obvious.

  2. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing. Such simple solutions, yet not at all obvious.

  3. Yea, especially this with the order. Where is the logic of that... And add the fact that you have two places to specify it, one for the "not saved records" and one for the saved ones...

  4. Hello Göran, I tried this is UI15 in our sandbox and UI16 in a developer instance and the fields are Read Only. Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to enable something, a system property or an ACL? Thank you!

  5. Hey Zooie,
    Do you press down "shift" before you hover over the icon? It should be working OOB. But if you don't press down shift you will get the read only, so hopefully that's the problem. Let me know if you don't get it right.


  6. Yes, I press the Shift button down. The fields stay read only. They've always been that way. I'm not sure if someone made a change when SN was set up 3 years ago. I've been the developer for 2 years...

  7. Hmm... that's strange. I get the same effect if I don't use shift. It works on all our instance and my personal dev so it sounds really some kind of customization on your instance. But I can't think of what it can be since you can edit the record if you "normal" click on the number. You got any UI Script active that might intefer??


  8. Yeah I wouldn't even know where to look. I don't know how to build a UI Policy to set fields to read only by view. I looked in my ACLs also, not seeing any restricted to the sys_popup view. Argh. It would be nice to have that feature.

  9. On ui policies, if you go to advanced view you will have a checkbox for "global". If you uncheck that you will get a field where you choose view instead.

  10. Oh thanks for the the view hint. I didn't realize it was there, I added it to my list view and sorted. None for that view. :/

  11. Btw... I don't think this counts as using the view "sys_popup" since in edit "view" I got my normal form view. What I mean is that I aint the same view when I just hover over and get a read only popup and when I "shift" hover and get it in edit.

  12. Cheri, I'm wondering if you get the correct window "popup". Is there a big X on the upper right corner?

  13. Yes, there is a big x. I am sure it's the correct window.

  14. Hmm.. this is really strange. If you look at the link for the popup, is it like this: incident.do?sys_id=579b53f00f1dd2404cf365ba32050eca&sysparm_form_only=true&sysparm_nameofstack=popups&sysparm_goto_url=blank.do

    Just want to see if there is somehow any other parameters with your url

  15. that was a weird format on the comments.. hope it's still readable =)
